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Reuniting with family who's living in another country is a real bliss. We TB Garuda Consultants endeavours to help all such families by helping you to get Family Visa.

A family Visa, also known as a family reunification visa or family sponsorship visa, is a type of visa that allows individuals to join or be reunited with their immediate family members who are residing in another country. It is typically granted to spouses, children, parents, and sometimes other close relatives of individuals who are already living in the host country as permanent residents, citizens, or holders of certain visa types.

Benefits of Family Visa

Family visas aim to promote family unity by providing a legal pathway for family members to live together in the same country. The specific requirements and eligibility criteria for family visas vary depending on the country and its immigration policies. Generally, the sponsoring family member must meet certain financial, residency, and relationship criteria to demonstrate their ability to support and accommodate their family member(s) in the host country.

Everything seems complete with family, Family Visa plays a very important role in uniting families across nations. The benefits of a family visa include

Family Unity

The primary benefit of a family visa is the ability to bring immediate family members together, promoting family unity and allowing loved ones to live in the same country.

Emotional Support

Being with family provides emotional support and a sense of belonging, which can greatly enhance overall well-being and happiness.

Shared Experiences

Living together as a family allows for the creation of shared experiences, memories, and traditions, fostering stronger bonds and deeper connections.

Care and Support

Family members can provide care and support for each other during times of illness, hardship, or other challenges, creating a support system that promotes overall well-being.

Parent-Child Relationships

Family visas enable parents to be present in their children's lives, allowing for active participation in their upbringing, education, and personal development.

Cultural Preservation

Family visas can help preserve cultural traditions and heritage by allowing family members to pass on cultural values, languages, and customs to future generations.

Financial Stability

Having family members together can contribute to financial stability through shared expenses, pooling resources, and supporting each other's economic endeavors.

Educational Opportunities

Family visas allow children to access educational opportunities in the host country, enabling them to pursue their academic goals and potentially enhance their future prospects.

Social Integration

Being together as a family facilitates social integration into the host country's community and society, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.

Potential Path to Permanent Residency or Citizenship

Depending on the immigration policies of the host country, a family visa can serve as a stepping stone towards permanent residency or even citizenship, offering long-term stability and security for the family.

We care for our families and Of Course when it comes to family we ask lots of questions because it’s about their safety and security. Here we are solving your confusion with our answers.


A family visa is a type of visa that allows individuals to join or be reunited with their immediate family members who are already residing in another country.

How To Get Family Visa

Before planning anything you should have ample knowledge about every step and documentations. T B Garuda Consultants helps you at every step once you follow these steps.

Visitor Visa

Family visas often involve a comprehensive application process. It including the submission of documentation, proof of relationship, financial support, and sometimes interviews.

Work Visa

Once approved, the visa allows the family member(s) to join the sponsor and reside in the host country for a specified period.

Student Visa

Student visas are for individuals who wish to study full-time in New Zealand at an approved educational institution. This visa allows students to pursue academic, vocational, or English language courses. It may also offer the opportunity to work part-time while studying.

Family Visa

Family visas are available for partners, dependent children, parents, and other eligible relatives of New Zealand citizens or residents. These visas enable family members to join their loved ones in New Zealand and can lead to residency in some cases.

Resident Visa

Resident visas are for individuals who intend to live in New Zealand permanently. The Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, Residence from Work Visa, and Family Category Resident Visa are some examples. These visas provide a pathway to permanent residency and eventual citizenship.

Entrepreneur Work Visa

This visa category is designed for individuals who have innovative business ideas and want to establish or buy a business in New Zealand. It allows entrepreneurs to work and live in the country while they develop and grow their business.

Investor Visa

The Investor Visa is for individuals who are willing to invest a significant amount of funds in New Zealand. This visa category aims to attract experienced investors who can contribute to the country's economy.

Other Specialised Visas

New Zealand also offers specialized visa categories for specific purposes, such as the Pacific Access Category for citizens of certain Pacific Island countries, the Recognized Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme for temporary agricultural workers, and the Refugee Family Support Category for refugees to be reunited with their families.

In some cases, family visas can also lead to permanent residency or citizenship, depending on the immigration laws of the host country.

Steps To Get Visa

We will become your helping hand you just have to go through following formalities:-

1. Determine the Visa Type

 Identify the visa category that aligns with the purpose of your visit, such as a visitor visa, work visa, student visa, or family visa. Review the specific requirements and conditions for the chosen visa type.

2.Check Eligibility

 Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the selected visa category. This may include factors such as age, health, character, skills, qualifications, financial resources, and English language proficiency.

3.Gather Required Documents

Gather Required Documents: Collect all the necessary documents to support your visa application. These documents may include a valid passport, completed application forms, passport-size photographs, proof of funds, employment or educational documents, health certificates, and any additional supporting documents specific to your visa category.

4.Submit Online Application

 Create an account on the official New Zealand immigration website (Immigration New Zealand) and complete the online visa application form. Provide accurate and complete information and upload the required documents as per the instructions.

5.Pay Application Fees:

 Pay the required visa application fees online through the designated payment methods. The fees vary depending on the visa category and are non-refundable, even if the application is unsuccessful.

6.Attend Biometrics (if applicable)

Depending on your nationality and visa type, you may need to provide biometric information, including fingerprints and a digital photograph. This is usually done at a Visa Application Center or an immigration office.

4.Medical and Character Checks

Undergo any necessary medical examinations and obtain police certificates or other documents to prove your good character if required by your visa category.

5.Wait for Application Processing

After submitting your application, you will need to wait for the immigration authorities to process it. The processing time can vary depending on the visa category and individual circumstances. You can monitor the progress of your application online.

6.Decision and Notification

Once a decision has been made on your visa application, you will receive a notification through the preferred method of communication provided during the application process. If approved, the notification will include details about your visa grant.

4.Travel to New Zealand

If your visa application is successful, make sure to check the visa conditions, including the validity period, travel restrictions, and any additional requirements. Plan your travel to New Zealand accordingly and ensure compliance with the visa conditions upon arrival.

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TB Garuda Consultants accomplishes your process of getting a Visa simply. Why to worry when we are here

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Every happiness gets more. valuable with your loved ones and family. Apply for family Visa to bring sense of fulfilment in your life. T B Garuda Consultants is ready to help you at every step.