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T B Garuda Consultants is a trustworthy name when it comes fulfilling your desire to explore the horizon of opportunities with its ease of Visa Services. TB Garuda Consultants serves its best in paving your way to the United States by providing you with hassle free Visa.

Life in America is like a blank canvas; you have the freedom to paint your own masterpiece. There are numerous stories of people who visited the US and brought the magic of that magical land to enhance the pride of our own nation India. The US is the land of possibilities, if you have dedication and passion you can achieve your goal for sure. Everyone dreams to manifest the resources, the benefits whether in terms of Academics , Financial, Cultural or any other form of benefits.

TB Garuda Consultants

This journey begins with the first step of United States Immigration Visa and here we the Team of TB Garuda Consultants come to play the key role in fulfilment of your US Immigration dream. TB Garuda Consultants ‘s team is dedicated to providing you with all the services related to US Immigration Visa.



Here are the reasons why Immigration to USA can be beneficial decision for you

Education Opportunities:

The US is a well - known centre for educational opportunities.  Here your dream to become a scholar can be fulfilled easily as here you can get enrollment in prestigious Education and Research Institutions . US Immigration Visa is your first step to achieve all your dreams.

Employment Prospects:

This is the most essential aspect why most people opt for this. Having a US visa can enhance your employment prospects.US offers a wide range of job opportunities across various industries, attracting talented individuals from around the world. 

Future Opportunities

The future is brimming with opportunities in the United States, promising a landscape ride for innovation, growth, and progress. As a global hub of technology, entrepreneurship, and academic excellence. environment where dreams can flourish and aspirations can be realised.

Access to Social Services

Travelling to the US is almost everyone's dream. A USA visa allows you to travel to & explore the US, a country known for its diverse landscapes, iconic landmarks, and vibrant cities.We place a high priority on your journey, providing extensive assistance to guide you through the intricate immigration procedures.

Quality of Life

In the United States, the power of networks and connections is an integral aspect of success and growth across various domains. The country boasts a rich tapestry of networks that serve as invaluable conduits for professional advancement, personal growth, and diverse opportunities. At the heart of this network ecosystem are professional associations and organisations. 

To utilise the maximum potential of yours by harnessing the benefits and potential of this magical land of the US , you should dream for your US Immigration. We , TB Garuda Consultants are here to provide you with all the assistance of getting your Visa.


The process of immigrating to the United States can vary depending on the specific immigration category. Generally, it involves filing a petition or application, meeting eligibility criteria, submitting required documents, undergoing background checks, attending interviews, and waiting for a decision from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or other relevant authorities.

Categories of US Visit Visa

Though TB Garuda Consultants is here to help you in supporting you with all the needs related to US Immigration Visa but here we are giving you some other essential details related to categories of US Visa. Here are some common categories of the US visit visa:

Tourism and Sightseeing

This can help you in enjoying benefits which includes: -visiting famous landmarks, exploring cities, enjoying recreational activities, and experiencing the cultural and historical aspects of the United States.

Tourism and Sightseeing

This can help you in enjoying benefits which includes: -visiting famous landmarks, exploring cities, enjoying recreational activities, and experiencing the cultural and historical aspects of the United States.

Visiting Friends or Relatives

If you have family or friends residing in the US, you can apply for a B-2 visa to visit them. This category encompasses family reunions, attending weddings or other celebrations, and spending time with loved ones.

Medical Treatment

Individuals seeking medical treatment or consultation in the United States can apply for a B-2 visa. This could include visiting renowned hospitals, specialized clinics, or receiving specific medical procedures.

Vacation and Recreation

The B-2 visa allows for vacations and recreational activities such as beach holidays, skiing trips, attending sports events, or participating in leisure activities like golfing or fishing.

Short-Term Language Courses or Hobby Classes

If you plan to attend a short-term language course, join a workshop or training program, or engage in a hobby-related activity during your visit, you can apply for a B-2 visa.

Participating in Conferences or Seminars

If you are invited to attend a conference, seminar, or professional meeting in the United States, a B-2 visa can be used for that purpose. It is important to note that you cannot engage in any work-related activities or receive compensation while on a B-2 visa.

Exploring Educational Opportunities

While the B-2 visa does not allow for full-time study in the US, it can be used to explore educational opportunities, attend campus tours, or visit prospective educational institutions.

Documents To Get US Visa

TB Garuda Consultants team guarantees the 100% assistance in helping you to get US Immigration Visa. Hence it’s our duty to help you in the assistance to in providing following documents.

1. Valid Passport

Proof of ties to your home country, such as employment, property ownership, or family ties, to demonstrate that you have strong reasons to return after your visit.

2.Non-Immigrant Visa Application (Form DS-160)

Proof of financial resources, such as bank statements, tax returns, or employment letters, to show that you can support yourself financially during your visit.

3.Appointment Confirmation

Travel itinerary, including flight reservations, accommodation bookings, and a detailed plan of your activities in the United States.
Invitation letter or supporting documents from a US-based host, if applicable.

4.Visa Interview Appointment Letter

Educational records or documents related to the purpose of your visit, such as enrolment letters, workshop invitations, or conference registrations.

5.Supporting Documents: These documents vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for but may include

Medical records or health insurance information, especially if you are applying for a medical treatment visa.

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Never put limits on your dreams to explore around the globe to find the best land for your career growth. TB GARUDA CONSULTANTS is always here for you to support your dreams.

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